Thanksgiving Celebration Ideas for 2020
With the COVID-19 virus spreading through Mesa County at an alarming rate, many families are following CDC recommendations to skip Thanksgiving celebrations with extended family and celebrate at home with those who live in the household. If you are searching for a few ideas on how to celebrate Turkey Day at home, we’ve compiled a list with a few ways to celebrate Thanksgiving at home. Check it out below!
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15 Ideas for Celebrating Thanksgiving at Home During the COVID-19 Pandemic

- Video chat with friends and family
- Play board games and watch Thanksgiving movies
- Cook Thanksgiving-themed snacks and treats
- Watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade—it’s being held virtually without a crowd, so you can still enjoy this staple of Thanksgiving amid the global pandemic!
- Do Thanksgiving crafts with your kiddos
- Put on a Thanksgiving-themed scavenger hunt
- Set the table with homemade decorations
- Get the family involved with cooking the Thanksgiving meal
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- Educate your kids on the history of Thanksgiving and colonization
- Craft Thanksgiving goodies and deliver them to neighbors’ doorsteps
- Host a virtual Thanksgiving dinner with the extended family
- Play Thanksgiving-themed games with the family
- Watch football
- Work with the kids to help make a homemade family tree
- Decorate the Christmas tree; this is a classic way to wrap up Thanksgiving Day festivities while making memories the family will cherish for years to come
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