Holiday driving and rush hour during changing seasons can cause a lot of strange behavior as you travel down the roads. Since everyone is in a hurry and conditions could be inclement, it’s important to be aware as ever to steer clear of potential damage. Today, join our Carville’s Auto Mart team as we give you some helpful tips on how to prevent a collision on the road. Be safe out there! Read the rest of this entry
All posts by Admin
When should you replace your vehicle’s tires?
Now that the summer weather has subsided and we’re ready to handle the harsher conditions that late fall and winter bring, it’s an ideal time to start thinking about your tires. We depend on our vehicles to provide us with hard-hitting and relentless performance, but they’re only able to run at optimal efficiency when your four friends are properly inflated and able to handle the elements. So, if you’ve ever wondered “When should you replace your vehicle’s tires?” we have your answer today! Read the rest of this entry
Most common ways that cops can tell you’re texting and driving
Despite what your friends have probably told you, nobody’s an expert at driving while distracted. Though we’re all guilty of texting and driving from time to time, it still presents some serious danger when you’re behind the wheel. To help with this the next time you head out, we’ll show you some of the most common ways that cops can tell you’re texting and driving; this way, you can be more careful out there! Read the rest of this entry

How to calculate your used vehicle’s fuel economy
If you’re looking for a vehicle to serve as the perfect companion for your road trips and daily commutes, you’ve no doubt taken a look at how efficient your desired models are. Here at Carville’s Auto Mart, we offer a healthy selection of cars that can achieve greater than 30 highway miles per gallon, and we also have an easy method to share with you about how to calculate your used vehicle’s fuel economy for yourself. Check it out the next time you fill up at the pump! Read the rest of this entry
Difference between light-duty and heavy-duty trucks
For the last few decades, pickup trucks have skyrocketed in popularity amongst all kinds of American consumers. Bringing excellent power and durability to the table, trucks exhibit an undying willingness to get the job done, no matter what the situation calls for. However, many drivers today are unaware of the difference between light-duty and heavy-duty trucks; we’ll tell you all about these two monster lines today at Carville’s Auto Mart! Read the rest of this entry
Best Haunted Houses and Mazes in Grand Junction CO
With the changing weather and falling leaves, it can only mean that fall is finally upon us! It’s one of our favorite times of year here in western Colorado, not only because of the gorgeous scenery, but because it leads into one of our favorite holidays—Halloween! We know you’re dying to get in the spirit of things, so come join us next month at some of the best Haunted Houses and Mazes in Grand Junction CO! Read the rest of this entry
Fun fall activities near Grand Junction CO
If we can take the floor for a second, there’s truly nothing like the feel of fall weather. The leaves are falling and changing color, the weather is getting cooler and drier, and everyone is in a great mood doing some of the sweetest activities that the area has to offer. We want to get you ready for the autumn spirit, so come join our Carville’s Auto Mart team at some fun fall activities near Grand Junction CO! Read the rest of this entry
How to Prepare Your Vehicle for Fall Weather
Summer is over and Fall is right around the corner. While the harsh Winter weather may still be a bit away, Fall’s colder temperatures and sporadic showers will give your car some troubles in the coming months. Other than that, making changes for Fall will be great preparation for when Winter comes. To combat the cold, our team here at Carville’s Auto Mart has made an easy and simple checklist to make sure you and your car are prepared, no matter what happens! Read the rest of this entry
Should you buy winter or all-season tires?
Winter tires vs. All-Season tires for a used vehicle
Though it’s probably the last thing on anyone’s mind right now, once the falling leaves are cleared away it’s time to start prepping for colder winter weather. To get yourself prepared, two of the most popular options for any car are winter and all-season tires. Though both have their own unique advantages, many drivers are unsure of which tire is best for them. Today we’ll show you which one fits your situation better! Read the rest of this entry
Enter to Win Carville’s Friday Night Date Night Give Away
Enter in the Carville’s Friday Night Date Nightnight Give Away!!
We are going to be giving away a $50 gift card on the 3rd Friday each month. So how do you enter? Go to Carville’s Auto Mart’s Facebook page like the post DATE NIGHT, tag your significant other in the commentary and at 3 P.M on Friday we will select the winner! It’s that easy!! Spend some time with your loved one on Friday Night on Carville’s Auto Mart, the “DEALERSHIP WITH A DIFFERENCE.”
Be sure to like our Facebook page for more give aways and opportunities to WIN!!