Keeping a car clean and disinfected is one of the most important things we can do. With how things are, it is never a bad idea to deep clean your care every now and again. How exactly do you get your car clean and germ-free? A little time and effort are all it will take.
Spring cleaning is the perfect time to start thinking about getting your car looking and feeling fresh again. There are plenty of products out there to help you clean a car, but we’ll run you through a few of our tips. Disinfecting a car isn’t as troublesome a prospect as you may think.
How to Deep Clean and Disinfect a Car
While buying cleaners that were specifically made for cars is nice, it isn’t entirely necessary. A lot of your at-home cleaners can do the job really well. Anything that has alcohol in it, even simple rubbing alcohol, will do a great job of disinfecting your car. Make sure you give the solution a bit of time to work before drying it off, this gives it time to kill any bugs or germs.

If you have leather seats, then we recommend that you don’t use an alcohol-based cleaner as it will dry out the seats. When you are cleaning make sure to thoroughly clean any high-touch areas like the steering wheel or radio controls. Taking care of any area that you frequently interact with is always a good idea when you are cleaning your car.
Auto Detailing Services in Grand Junction, CO
You can trust the folks at Carville’s Auto Mart to clean your car by scheduling a detailing service as soon as possible. If you have any questions for us, then please feel free to reach out and give us a call. We will be happy to help however we can.