Snow plow on a truck driving down the street

What Do I Need To Have The Perfect Winter Car?

It’s hard to underplay how unnerving winter can be. It causes a lot of problems in just about every area of our lives. The cold is harsh and unforgiving, and the hazards seem to surround us. There isn’t much we can do but hope we endure it.

Everyone knows how harsh the winter can be on our cars. Batteries, tires, and engines all bear the brunt of winter’s icy touch. In the summer, car troubles are still a headache, but at least you don’t have to worry about freezing while trying to fix it. The winter doesn’t offer you much solace in any respect. The best way to beat winter is to find a car that can handle it. So, what kind of car should you look for?

What Makes a Good Winter Car?

Obviously, one of the first things you will want to check is its defroster. If the heating system is good, then you will have a warm car and clear windshield. All-wheel drive is also a good feature to have as it can give your car more grip and performance on snowy roads. Winter tires are also a must-have if you’re really looking to take control this winter.

Car on the side of the road with a hazard sign

Cold written on frosty glass

Another thing to be aware of is the clearance of your car. SUVs and trucks generally have good ground clearance which means they don’t get stuck in as much snow. Stability controls and brakes are good features to have. Anything that will give you more grip and performance on the road is going to be beneficial for this winter.

Best Way To Get A Truck Ready For Winter

Test Drive Used Cars in Grand Junction, CO

If you need to upgrade your winter ride, then stop by Carville’s Auto Mart to see our wide-ranging inventory. Feel free to give us a call if you have any questions and we’ll be happy to help however we can.